Künstler Portfolio
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My Website www.antjeflauss.com is under construction, therefore you were rerouted to the gallery website.

Please find some of my paintings and photo collage works below
Latest paintings - 30x30cm - Acryl on wooden panel

Some originals & photo collage works (framed) can be seen at 
Christine X Art Gallery
Tigne street c/w Hughes Hallet street, Sliema, SLM 3173, Malta
(+356) 9984 4653 | info@christinexart.com
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, 10am to 1pm, 4pm to 7pm / Sunday – closed

For more information about each painting and prices, 
please contact me direct antje.flauss@gmail.com
or on my mobile +356 9967 6600   // +49 176 5509 2449